In sourcing the components for these products being sold at Monomoy Tackle, efforts are being made to source the best products at the best prices so that in the end, the product being given to consumers is one of quality at a fair price. The goal with a small venture such as this is to reduce the overhead, reduce the middle people, and bring to consumers, goods at a more cost effective price point for the quality.
The deep water jigs for Cod and Haddock, i.e. diamond jigs and 'Viking' jigs, are proudly being poured and plated domestically in the United States.
Lead formed jigs and hard shell jigs, which are coated in a clear resin, are being manufactured overseas in Asia by vendors qualified for their quality in manufacturing and ethical measures.
Hooks are being sourced through Mustad or VMC who are producing their goods in Europe.
All the soft plastic and teasers materials are being sourced through domestic companies with good reputations in business for many years. Z-Man, Mister Twister, and B2 are some of the soft plastics companies, I am proud to source my components from prior to assembly. Efforts are being made to understand where these companies are sourcing their goods as well.