A couple weeks ago on the Instagram and Mobile Site I announced that Fluke Rigs were being launched on the website. Little did I realize that the launch was the same day as the start of the season in NY/NJ and many of the first orders for fluke rigs went to customers living in those states. I appreciate the support of all those that looked at the rigs and made purchases!
As with the groundfishing and black sea bass rigs previously launched the fluke rigs emphasize a certain simplicity and ease of use. There's two version of a trailer style rig. One with 30lb leader and a B2 3" squid and the second is a more robust 50lb rig with a grub tail/silicone skirted teaser.
The colors chosen and combinations of the teasers and grubs were carefully chosen to mimic the variety of baits that the fluke ambush and prey on along the various bottom structures. I'm putting a table below of the various studies of bait and subtle colors of each.
The third type of rig developed is one that seemingly was popularized by John Skinner and there are a multitude of You Tube videos and articles on it. The rig is a simple dropper loop placed above a loop or hardware for a bucktail or other weighted hook of choice that give a two hook presentation. The idea is that if the fishes misses the lower bait, the upper bait is there for a second swipe.
I am working on a third type of rig that is a high/low or 'popcorn' style rig with jigheads. I am trying to work with another local, small business in the area to provide these jigheads to use for the rig. Stay tuned as I hope to have something launched by the end of the month in time for the deep water, shoal fluke season.
Before the fluke season starts in Massachusetts, the masses will descend upon the waters of Buzzards Bay, Nantucket Sounds, and points south to get in on the black sea bass season. There are times in May and June when I turn to my bother Mark and Captain Bruno Demir and tell them that the best fishing is right now and its always as we are drifting in 35' of water hauling in black sea bass. On light tackle, a 19" black sea bass is basically haddock fishing in shallow water. I love bringing my children on these trips because its a blast for them to feel the pull of these great fighters who are willing participants. For sure my son and daughter will get in on the action.
My favorite way to fish for black sea bass is using a simple drop shot style rig with a jig at the bottom and a very small dropper loop with an extended shank hook above. Getting these fish on jigs is a fantastic way to fish for them. Below is the rig that I personally used for years that I put on the website. The bottom jig can be whatever people want, but I experimented for a while with the hook above. My father used to fish with more than one hook above and famously on one drop, the very first drop on one trip, he pulled fish on every single hook including the jig. My brother and I shared a laugh because at that point, he was more than halfway to his limit on one drop. Miss you everyday dad. The trips aren't the same without you, but we all know you are always there.